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منوعات فلسطينية

الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2022

Information Security answer_


Trojan Horse Software programs that hide their true nature and reveal their designed behavior only when activated.T


A hash function accepts a variable-length block of data M as input and produces a variable-size hash value F



The main concern with DES has been its vulnerability to brute-force attack because of its relatively short key length  T



DES is asymmetric method adopted by the U.S. government FALSE

الصح An symmetric



If the authenticator/message is encrypted with the sender's private key, it serves as a signature that verifies origin, content, and sequencing. TRUE


RSA method provides a one-time session key for two parties FALSE


A hash function guarantees integrity of a message. It guarantees that message has not been

a.None of these






In an authentication using symmetric keys, if n people need to communicate, we need n * (n-1)/2 Keys.





One of the requirements of public key cryptography, it should be computationally easy to encrypt the message and infeasible to compute the private key based on the knowledge of public key True



RSA is a block cipher encryption algorithm





The SHA-1, MD4 and MD5 all are producing 128 bit as a hash value




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